Healing Lavender

Therapeutic Massage











Swedish Massage

Swedish massage addresses the more superficial tissue layers. Commonly referred to as “relaxation massage,” Swedish massage involves gentle strokes that include gliding, kneading, linear friction, stretching, rocking, and still touch. This type of massage promotes circulation, relaxation, stress reduction, general well being, and is widely prescribed by physicians to enhance treatment for insomnia, anxiety, and depression.


Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage addresses the deeper tissue layers. This type of massage releases chronic patterns of tension in the body through slower, more focused and penetrating strokes including deep glides, compressions, and cross-fiber friction. Deep tissue work is especially helpful for those who need relief for persistent areas of muscle tension, soreness, spasms, or “knots,” related to posture, stress, or physical over-activity. When muscles are stressed, the flow of oxygen and nutrients becomes blocked, leading to inflammation and a buildup of toxins in the muscle tissue. Deep tissue massage helps to loosen the tissue by un-sticking the muscle fibers. Proper circulation is then restored. Toxins are flushed out of the tissue and replaced by a fresh blood supply carrying oxygen and nutrients.


Pre-Natal Massage

Prenatal Massage, or pregnancy massage, is specifically designed for expectant mothers in their 2nd or 3rd trimesters. This massage helps promote relaxation and relieves strain without lying on the stomach. Extra care is given to provide comfort by placing supportive cushions, pillows, or bolsters to accommodate a woman's special needs at this time

Sports Massage

Sports Massage is, generally, geared toward athletes and usually given before or after an athletic event.  Before an event, it is used to promote peak performance, improve flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury.  It is used after an event to help reduce muscle soreness and swelling, break down toxins, increase blood circulation, and increase range of motion.  It is also used for rehabilitation to facilitate healing after an injury.  Many sports massage techniques are often combined with deep tissue massage.


Trigger Point Massage

Trigger point therapy is a bodywork technique that involves the applying of concentrated finger pressure to “trigger points” (painful irritated areas in the muscles) to break cycles of spasm and pain.  Trigger point therapy is also called myofascial trigger point therapy.  Dr. Janet Travell developed it in the United States in the 1940’s.  

**Trigger point therapy, if needed, is incorporated into a massage rather than being used alone.



Aromatherapy is an ancient practice of using essential oil to heal by stimulating the olfactory senses, mental responses, and circulatory and respiratory functions.  It is one of the fastest growing forms of the healing arts in this country.  It employs highly concentrated essential oils extracted from herbs and flowers that contain hormones, vitamins, antibiotics and antiseptics.  Incorporated into the massage cream during a massage or through inhalation, the oil or combination of oils can be used for medicinal, meditative, restorative, or relaxation purposes.



Reflexology, or zone therapy, relieves stress through an organized system of points in the feet.  These focus points correspond, or “reflex,” to all areas of the body.  This massage can be directed to problem areas, however the relaxing results will affect the entire body.  This service is offered individually for feet.


Chair Massage

Chair massage or “seated” massage is administered while the client is fully clothed and seated in a specially designed chair. The client receives treatment on the back, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and head.  The chair massage helps to release stress, muscle tension, and pain, while increasing circulation.  It is very helpful for people who sit for long hours and/or use computers in preventing serious conditions such as carpel tunnel syndrome, rounded shoulder/head forward postural problems, thoracic outlet syndrome, or other related conditions.